Every Sunday, we come together in Harringay, united by faith and love for Jesus
What we believe
GOD as the creator and sustainer of the universe who existed in the community of Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
JESUS CHRIST as God’s son who pre-existed before creation, incarnate into the world, lived a sinless life, died for our sins, buried and was raised on the third day. He ascended back to heaven after forty days and is now seated on the right hand of God pleading for us. And one day will be back to the world to reign and judge.
HOLY SPIRIT as the spirit and third person of God whom Christ gave to His Church and lives in every believer at conversion. He guides us to know the truth, follow Christ and helps us live victorious lives daily.
THE BIBLE as the inspired Word of God written over many centuries by different writers as they were inspired by God and as the standard for Christian living.
HUMAN BEINGS are sinful in nature no matter how hard we try not to be, and we are separated from God our creator and in need of reconciliation which Christ has made possible through His death and resurrection.
SALVATION for people comes through renouncing their sins and putting their faith in Jesus Christ and the work of salvation He accomplished on the Cross, be baptised and continue to live for Him.